As the winter season is at its peak, so are many sports like basketball and wrestling. This being said, people can overlook the people on the sidelines who support our teams. Cheerleading is a way for students to express themselves while supporting their school.
“I think it’s a really great way to show school spirit and support our school,” co-captain and senior Eloise Lawerence said.
Cheer is a great way to support your school and become a part of a team. Having a team that cheers each other and the school on helps to create a great community that will help each other no matter what.
“It's a lot about the community and getting all dressed up and seeing your friends dressed up,” junior Keiro Ambler said. Getting dressed up for games and being able to cheer with your friends is something that many cheerleaders enjoy. Cheering with the lights, the stands, and the people make it all worth it. Because of the cheer community, people feel inclined to join and they also feel welcomed quickly.
“I’ve always wanted to be a cheerleader, since I was little,” freshman Piper Frith said. Being a freshman can be hard, so when there is a community that is close and welcoming it makes the transition into freshman year more comfortable.
“I have so much fun cheering and I get to be with my friends and it's a fun thing to do,” Frith said. Cheer can help bring together so many people. Because of that, students are more inclined to join because of their friends.
Cheer is also a great way to learn leadership in a way that can’t be taught. Being a captain helps the team to gain a different level of trust in each other.
“I’m a dancer and I thought that it would be fun to expand into different aspects of my life,” Lawrence said. Being in a sport that is as physically demanding as cheerleading is an amazing way to improve in not only cheer, but in other sports like gymnastics or dance.
“I cheer because it’s honestly the first extra curricular activity that I have really enjoyed, and it’s not something that I am annoyed to do,” Ambler said.
When there is a community like the cheer team at VHS, it makes it easier to stay on the team because of how connected everyone is. No one feels like they are being forced to cheer and it creates an amazing bond within the team.
“People should cheer because the community is great and all the girls are super nice and welcoming, plus it's so much fun!” Frith said. Coming from a freshman, this shows how inclusive the cheer community at VHS is.
In the end, having a community like the cheer team at VHS is a great way to make friends and join an extracurricular that has so many opportunities to perform, work on leadership, and to be a part of a community.